What's New July 2023 in CloudFire

What's new CloudFire - July 2023

The CloudFire Team does not stop, and even one step away from summer vacation 😎, here are the various news released in Cortex in the month of July.

In addition to obtaining some of the highest certifications Veeam Cloud & Service Provider Competency Ready, unique in Italy, the development team has released some features that will certainly improve the security of your services and your Cloud environments. Specifically, the implemented functionalities touch on Public Cloud, Drive 4 Business and Talky Time.

Let's get in order..

Public Cloud and password management

After numerous checks and with the aim of maintaining and, above all, improving the highest security standards ✅, the first change concerned the authentication on the dashboard of our Public Cloud, the Infrastructure as a Service service. In fact, given the requirements and current regulations, since we are not required to keep the password of Public Cloud users within Cortex, we have:

  • Removed the display 🙈 of the password on the page;
  • Implemented the reset of the same 🆕;
  • Set an automatic reset ⏳ of the password to access the service dashboard at 23.59 on the last day of the month.

Drive 4 Business and Password Management 🔑

As for the Public Cloud, also for the service Drive 4 Business has had some changes related to password management. Every time you enter Cortex, to access the D4B you will no longer see the password displayed on the page and you can reset it when you consider it most appropriate 🔐.


Talky Time - Improvements and Azure AD 🔄 synchronization

As for Talky Time, there are several new features useful to improve the Unified Communication tool:

  • From March, the New version of Talky Time, which allows you to obtain several advantages compared to the previous one, including multiregion 🌍. For this reason, if you haven't done so yet, we recommend that you migrate as soon as possible!
  • We welcome a new region where you can activate the service: Johannesburg-01 in South Africa 💥.

But let's cut to the chase..

⚡️ If you already use Azure AD to manage users in your Microsoft organization, you can now automate the synchronization even with Talky Time!

No more mass imports or the use of CSV files: you just need to configure the users correctly by assigning the telephone number and the correct licenses, and select the Azure AD option, in the phase of connecting the Microsoft Domain in Talky Time Direct Routing, to be able to use all the features offered.


Other Improvements - Onboarding Cortex

Finally, with the aim of improving the registration process to Cortex, we have added a security check 🔎 in the PEC field!

We can't wait to update you in early September! 🚀 As always, let us know your opinion hither.

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