Who is CloudFire

Find out more

CloudFire is a Cloud Service Provider composed of Cloud Engineer, Dev Ops Engineer and Software Developer able to automate Cloud Native infrastructures and services of any business and sector, integrating powerful cloud resources and solutions from a single self-service portal.

Foto aziendale CloudFire

Our mission

Make powerful and scalable cloud native solutions and technologies available from a self-service platform.

Our vision

To be the leading cloud provider at European level with cutting-edge solutions and skills and to actively contribute to the cloud native community.

Our Story

After years of experience as datacenter infrastructure consultants, he was born Rivebit with the goal of creating cloud infrastructure solutions that meet the needs of the Enterprise world.

It is installed The first rack in Caldera with Software Define Storage Ceph and Hypervisor KVM to provide Backup as a Service, Drive 4 Business and VM Virtualization solutions.

Ceph e Cloudfire

Some investors believe in the Rivebit project and Is born CloudFire. From this moment on, the goal becomes create a secure and scalable self-service cloud infrastructure. The CloudFire Team attends its first Openstack Summit in Boston to understand technologies Open-Source like core infrastructure.

CloudFire old logo
Boston Openstack Summit

It is released the first version of the Cortex portal and Changed the company logo. Cortex is the first cloud self service platform by CloudFire that allows CloudFire Partners to access and resell Cloud solutions in a pay-per-usage mode.

CloudFire logo since 2018
Screenshot Dashboard old Cortex

The IaaS service is released Public Cloud with Openstack, Ceph Multi-Tier Storage on the Data4 campus. The Sales department is created and the first Partner program is formed. CloudFire is officially on the market.

Data4 campus

CloudFire Tackle a Corporate re-branding to align the identity of Cortex and the CloudFire site. New features and services are increased and developed, and the marketplace is opened.

Homepage e cambio brand CloudFire nel 2020
Screenshot nuova versione piattaforma Cortex

After the pandemic and the explosion of smart-working, CloudFire grows in every area and develop Talky Time, the Unified Communication solution linked to the Teams world. The world is opening up to multi-cloud resources, and CloudFire focuses on making Cortex grow as a complete management tool.

Foto di gruppo Team CloudFire

Automation It becomes a keyword in 2022 that leads to a Reorganization of Cortex and at the launch of new CloudFire site. The team focuses on features and services such as the release of new Public Cloud architectures, strengthening Acronis Cyber Backup, Veeam Cloud Platform and Talky Time.

Screenshot dei tre portali Cortex
Alcuni dei principali loghi delle partnership instaurate da CloudFire nel 2022

In 2023 CloudFire moved to its new headquarters and from here, it implements several new features in Cortex. It obtains unique certifications on the Italian scene and achieves objectives such as ISO 27001 and ISO 9001. Learn about CloudFire's 2023 journey hither!

Foto Aziendale CloudFire 2023
Badge ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 9001

Let's start 2024 with numerous challenging and ambitious goals! We will give even more value to nuovi prodotti quali Rancher as a Service, NIS2 Insight, Yeastar as a Service e Web scaler. Vengono inoltre certificati ACN i nostri Servizi SaaS, IaaS e la nostra infrastruttura.

CloudFire 2024 signature photo

Il 2025 sarà un anno di obiettivi sfidanti e ambiziosi che darà ancora più valore a Cortex, il vero Front End di CloudFire. Il mondo Cloud Native sarà il fulcro e potenzierà i nostri servizi come Rancher as a Service e Openstack as a Service.

Roadmap e obiettivi di CloudFire 2023

What we believe

At CloudFire, we are guided by solid business values shared by the entire team. All this allows us to innovate and create cutting-edge cloud solutions, capable of adapting to businesses at any time while remaining simple to use.

Passion icon


Passion helps us achieve excellence, supports us in perseverance and improvement, allows us to innovate.

Responsability icon


Responsibility helps us to understand that we are part of the company, of something bigger and more complex than our specific role; it is the engine of collaboration that can make the group as a whole grow.

The CloudFire Team

Roberto Bondavalli
Roberto Bondavalli
CEO & Founder
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Fabio Pasetti
Fabio Pasetti
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Giulia Trinceri
Giulia Trinceri
Account Manager
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Davide Ciliberti
Davide Ciliberti
Account Manager
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Alessandro Stuppini
Alessandro Stuppini
Account Manager
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Catalin Malcoci
Catalin Malcoci
Presales Engineer
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Elisa Bondavalli
Elisa Bondavalli
Digital Marketing Manager
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Simone Borghi
Simone Borghi
Product Designer
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Alberto Zanafredi
Alberto Zanafredi
Infrastructure Engineer
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Simone Benati
Simone Benati
DevOps Engineer
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Davide Zanichelli
Davide Zanichelli
Cloud & Network Engineer
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Matteo Cavalli
Matteo Cavalli
Cloud Engineer
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Samuele Miglietta
Samuele Miglietta
Cloud Engineer
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Gabriele Buccheri
Gabriele Buccheri
Software Developer
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Alessandro Saggio
Alessandro Saggio
Software Developer
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Martina Montanari
Martina Montanari
Business Controller
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Laura Benevelli
Laura Benevelli
Accounting Office
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Francesca Fiori
Francesca Fiori
HR Business Partner
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We work in a way

Safe and Certified

We guarantee the highest levels in terms of Security and Privacy, in compliance with the highest standards of multinational corporations and the certifications required on the national territory.

Innovative, competent and granular

The innovative nature of CloudFire pushes us to study and offer you solutions that can respond to your needs quickly and in a flexible way.

Transparent and direct

We want to stand out for our transparency in prices, consumption and communication so as to always guarantee you complete information in real time.

Clear, fast and precise answers

Our customers can count on a single supplier capable of offering quick and clear answers, calibrated according to the real needs of each one.

Long-lasting partnership

We believe a lot in what we do, and the business objectives of our customers become our own.