What's new November 2022 in CloudFire

What's new CloudFire - November 2022

The holidays and Christmas are coming, and like every year we need to make ourselves look fresh ✨. The updates on Cortex in November are therefore focused on fixing some bugs, improving performance, and releasing our public API.

🔑 Cortex Public APIs

Given the many requests from our customers regarding the ability to interface Cortex directly with their systems and applications, we confirm that we've released the first version (v1) of our public APIs 💥.

We implemented a new section within the user's detail (Admin role only) where one can generate the API keys 🔐 , needed in order to authenticate for related calls.

Dashboard Cortex sezione API pubbliche

It is currently possible to request:

  • All the information related to their own Account 📄 . Partners can also request information related to their Clients' Accounts.
  • All the information related to the Users 📝 associated with their Accounts. Partners may also request information related to Users of their Clients' Accounts.
  • All the information related to their own ⚙️ Projects. Partners can also request information related to their own Clients' Projects.
  • All information related to the consumption of their own Services 💡. Partners can also request information related to the Services of their Customers.
  • All information related to their own 💰 Cost Summary. Partners can also request information related to the Cost Summary of their Clients.
  • All information related to one's Invoices 🧾.

For in-depth detail, the dedicated documentation of the Public API is available. This includes authentication, as well as the structure and syntax of calls. The documentation is available at this link or on the API Keys page.

🧱 Services Improvements

  • Drive 4 Business: corrected🪄 some issues where it failed to delete data when deleting the service. Improved file balancing on servers to avoid errors related to lack of free space.
  • Talky Time: 🚀 strengthened controls when creating and deleting SIP Accounts. This helps to avoid duplicates that could compromise Account operation and result in unintended deletion of data.

📈 General Improvements

  • In recent weeks we have been working hard to update frameworks and libraries used by Cortex. This already results in more efficient and responsive⚡️ page loading, and it will allow us to leverage optimisation processes and new features that can make the portal faster, smoother, and more secure in the near future. Stay Tuned for more important news!

Please remember that, as always, our goal is to accelerate IT innovation, and to do that we start with you! We are always listening for advice and changes you can make in Cortex to improve your user experience first and foremost, so don't be shy and in case 👉 Contact us!

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