What's New April 2023 in CloudFire

What's new CloudFire - April 2023

At CloudFire we like to innovate and, as you can imagine by now, we can't wait to provide you with new features on Cortex πŸš€


We know we've got you used to more substantial updates, but April was for us a month of consolidation 🧱 of the latest innovations introduced, necessary to lay the foundations 🏑 for what will come soon. This is why we have focused on updating our systems πŸ”, increasing security standards βœ… and approaching new innovative tools βš”οΈ that will allow us to pursue our objectives with the utmost commitment!


Regularly releasing new features is an essential activity for us, as it allows us to expand our platform, making plug&play news immediately available to you, and to regain strength and vigour by listening to your feedback and always striving to improve ourselves. Despite our enthusiasm, however, innovating also means giving the right importance to design phases and study πŸ“šof what we intend to introduce, so that we can always provide you with an experience that aims at the best quality standards.


Lots of ideas for this Tour de Force ⚑️they came from the various events in which we participated: among these in particular Cephalocon and KubeCon + CloudNativeCon of Amsterdam have led to reflections and changes of course, but always with a focus on improving efficiency and productivity. We will talk to you about this and much more in the coming weeks.




So here are the main news this month:


πŸ“ˆ General Improvements


  • Fixed bug related to the cost summary that in some cases did not make the reference period selectable;
  • Fixed some bugs related to the πŸ”‘ registration phase on the portal, now the process is more stable and fluid;



πŸ“† Off Topic - Upcoming Events


We know, we are only at the beginning of May, but the holidays are approaching and the commitments made for the summer are already beginning to fill everyone's calendar. This is why we would not want you to miss our participation in BeConnected Day 11, which will be held in Bologna in Torre Unipol on 15 June 2023.

For those who don't know it, this is the reference event of the Italian IT Community on Microsoft Future of Work with Microsoft Clouds at the center, in which key topics of Future of Work, Of Hybrid Collaboration, Security, Compliance & Dev. As CloudFire we will be sponsoring the event and we will talk in depth about Talky Time, our next generation Unified Communication suite.

In this page find all the information and the agenda for the day. As the number of places is limited, we recommend that you Sign up as soon as possible.


BeConnected Day 11


As always, we are waiting for you in June for the May news πŸ”₯, but now let us know your opinion πŸ‘‰ Contact us!‍

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